Letter from Eiko Fujii to Fred S. Farr, February 16, 1943

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February 16, 1943,

Dear Fred,

I have been pondering over the advisability of sending

my four-page outburst to you or not. I've made so many

indiscreet remarks I'm sure my lawyer(?) would be horri-

fied - kind of shocked me too, after reading it over.

But after having written so much it would be a shame to

waste all that paper , so I am sending it anyway.

There is one thing I will have to retract. The all-J-

compat-troop will consist of just volunteers, and those

that do not volunteer will be drafted thru the regular

army channel. So, I shouldn't haveheen so vehement in

y protest. |

For the last ten days or sq, every adult over 17 have had

to file their leave clearances. It is compulsory - but

we have been told those that do not wish to go out will

not have to. Quite a number of Isseis are disturbed and

bewildered by all this, for there are many who are really

not able to make a living on the outside in strange places.

If they had a farm or a store of their own, they could

spend their time helping, no matter how old they are. It

is really a trying time for some of the Isseis. Most

likely many of them will stay in camps for the duration.

I intend to take my parents out as soon as my brother-in-

law and I get settled on the outside, for them are old, and

we would prefer to stay together and suffer, than parted

and worry over their nealth. on

Although the Eastcoast is closed to us, somehow New York

beckons me. I am only good in the export line, for that is

all I have had for 13 yours, and - feel.I wiil "have more

chance in the East Coast,

It seems I have been talking just about myself - a boresome

subject to you by this time. The problems confronting us

are so unusual -(some of them will be historical)- that even

Demosthenes wouldn't be able to talk himself out of them.

I f length is any indication of eloquence, I am putting that

old gentleman into agony. So, until that day when we can

toast each other's health with a second cup of menor -

`Sincerely yours,


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