Letter from Caleb Foote, Fellowship of Reconciliation, to Friend, April 3, 1942

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April 3, 1042

Dear Friend;

As ome of and group of Fellowship people vho are working most Glosely on the problem

raised by the Japanese evacuation, | would like your opinion in several setters, 1

am now On my way Last to the Rational Council meeting of the F,0,/, in Gineimnati,

to visit som of our groups in tho Middle West, oxi to prepare full meterial on

the Japanese evacuetion for the Rational Uffice, md possible Fahlowship, In onter

that this vieit and these contacts my be as fruitful and oreative as possible,

will you help m in two ways?

writing m article, primerily directed to pasifists, on the Jap-

| tad govermmnt's policy, what points would you feel most impertent

violation of civil liberties? Ths humen suffering caused? The

to stress? The 3 |

analogy to Gernany's dealing with a reeial problem? The dangerous precedent it

sets? 1 would appreciate your commnts in sore detail, and if you mow of any

incidents which are particularily graphic im symbolizing these pointe, 1 would ape

preciate knowing about thea,

(2) Im regurd to the F,0,8,'s proposal to help certain Japasese families ond in~

Gividuals becom resettled in the Middle Vest, we am still weeertain as to its

legality, `the best infommtion we can now get is that the War Relocation Authority

Will encourage individwl resettlemxt of this type if certain conditions pertain

ing to employment and public opinion can be fulfilled, end if each case is passed

on by thom, At present, we are compiling informtio om Japanese individuals and

families whom we personally know te have (R) spirit of recomiliation, and who would

Serve es test cases in trying to work out svsh o resettlemnt schem, At the some

tim, iaformtion is being obtained about what P,0,i, commmities in the Middle

Vest offer the best opportunities for resettlement, and we wili then present this

information to the proper authorities md try te get a certain mmber of experi~

mental Gases approvec, It would help me " great deal, in contacting the Jounsil

ond Our groups, te have information about specific families ad individuals whe

would iim te move inte the Middle West under F,0,R, sponsorship, if you mow of

such families or imiividuals, will you semd me the information, incluiing the

following, mutber in familys age, sex, oscupation, abilities, amd seheeling of

each; whether or mot citizen, and, if not, how much knowledge of Bnglighy cherch

aid other effiliations; finsmeial meourees; willingness to do manual er domestic

Work if none other available; if stulemt, ficlde of wmmjor interest, It is also

important for you to arrange to keep in touch with these Japanese people follow.

ing their evacuation,

if you Gan help mw on either of these points, will you seni m the informa tion

so I will got it in Uineipnati by Apri) 10? My address there is 2 F,0,8,, First

United church, Reiding Koad at Lee Place, Avondale, Jincimmati, Ohio,

Yours in Fellowship,

Galeb Foote

OF: 5B

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