Meeting minutes from Bay Area Sounding Board meeting, March 6, 1942

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Warch 6321942

le O

(hg fheeting was called to order at' 3405 PM by' Chairman, Carl Hirota

Purpose: Coordinate the various ideas which individusls r organiza-

tions might have, at. `tnis: time; and tol find a! solut4o% of' the problems

before us. ,

Mike: Organized, supervised evacuation to be handled by the Federal

zovernment.. Areas be demilitarized so that neo"Caucasians be alldewed

to gO in without permits:and that only authorities be placed in the

hands of the Federal government: If-internees are not dangerous, they

should be returned so that they-may0x00B0help "their families in evacuation.

JACL has guined concessions in.50%0x00B0of the Guses.


There are many organizati ns among the Jap. and not have time to hear

them. Bargained for certain things after consideration and before

orders to Gen. De Witt to carry out certain orders, we had the idea

before the Fed. gov. and other g0V. Various committees are working hand

in hand with us, in our behalf.


NISEI DEMOS: Mrs. Kunitani

1. Agree basically with -the JACL

2. Concerned with complete isolation, that is to be faced by the Jap.

10 communities shat are ito be completely on their own.

Unless there is very competent Caucasian advices, we would have

the, conditions as is existent Gn Walnut Grove, and did `exist in

Term nal Isaand. SUGGEST: Americanization program in educ

"+ oystem

and. drafting of the plans for the community; is0ba. is bad from: 0x00B0

the viewpoint of the people im the community themselves and also

because of the influence in "he future.

3. Discriminatory.evacuation for the NiseizeTr diseriminatory evacua-

t tion is. desirable, possibledto have someokind of Board set up so that

notarized statements by the Nisei can be presented to the Board.

4. Some groups, Issei and Nisei indulge in Race-centALViAZ/ name-calling

They say they do not want to go into the area becuse of the Negroes

or the Mexicans there. Large employers in the Middle West want to use

Nisei as scab laborers. Stand against this for' the-sake of general 1

labor standards and for their own good.

$a. In the Nisei, not enough older people developed to be able to take

gavcente the leadership to build up the community. Need therefore, competent

Caucasiang grou.s or individuals that can be "used --experts in the

community--economists, sociologists, agronomists, as lack leaders in

those fieldd.


1. Approve OAK. DEMG(_ on the point of opposing _ mil litarization of

the camps as these camps are.just concentration camps under a diff

name. In-the view that Aliens are enemy-to the country, certain of

their rights may be taken away from them, but the Niseis sre citizens

and therefore, whould be given every civil liberties (rights)

OAK DEMOS: No emphasis should be given any Fegsettlemtn that is set up.

The group should not be divided on the basis of religion' and on the basis

of compeeency.

e- What part will bhe Japanese be allowed to play ih the plan of re-

settlement.--that is, in the planning of it: They should be allowed

to take part and advise the planners asithere are certain problems

that are the 4" apaneses-allowedto play a-'dynamic'role-in

the eet ae OL.Gun aa st keene Bach individual has a Small "amount

of power that he can exercise.

A oor nof a. single indifidual that is beyondUcritictsm - `and

sees no reason for the personal affront that was -taken deatade the

attitude of the Current Life due to .therfact that JACL represents -20,000


seis --should possess more broader viewpoint.

" r i and

? Stallize the ideas and not bo dcentd7/ deter

their program publicly. Opposed to the policy-of the JACL"and-are not

opposed to the principal of the JACL, `not entirely opposed to the JACL.

but to certain leadership. Whereever, we have gone 4nd where theJACL

has preceded us, we have been criticize




- liver since the beginning, the JACL has*assumed the role of Public

Defender of the Nisei without consulting the other groups or org.

3. Organize a Coordinating Council under the JACL Sponsorship so tha

#Ag it will. be more representative of the Nisei

3. JACL take initiative in asking for moratorium on intone tas. in

the last six months, the financial conditions of the Nisei and Issd

hase ieen hit so hard that to pay such a heavy income tax in the veew

of their being evauuatedn is a hardsipp. thus a moratorium ages

alleviate the hardhip that we are bound to face whereever we ht y/

Money is the main thing at this time and we need every bit of er

4. what provision has been made in the payment of Unempl 2" Ins?0x00B0centf-we

Oo estas the Calif. boundaries; expecially when made to evdetate.

=. gest the JACL take action centgdfpAstin rez cards to the discPimination

A oo against the familites;of tne Nisei.soldiers inthe -

Sac "7 4 Pane "40x00B0 how ns = fe + ana = wei _

Army Says exceptions are beingcmadewfor It: and Ger. "pamPifes Whenver

a. Bc si ee = ae on A =e

an the-Anmy;

i Should not accept all things said without a word; `should ask

ceptions as if the Nisei are desirable in the Army then tHe exceptions

made to other naticnlities should-alsolapply to the Jap.

7. Oppose mass evacuation, makes no exception for those Whose Pecerd spea

speaks for themselves and those who can bring the case of loyalty or. |

harmlessness to the general public. We should ask for certain provisions


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Baba: Jews aS a race have been always persacuted because of the fact that

certain indifiduals were bad application was made to the Yapanese

by "this "ewish friend of his. Becuase of the majority rule and we

Japanese being the minority, we are forced to submit to the rule of the

majority, and they think that the aliens as well as second generation

sre detrimental to the country. We should try to get as much .s possible

from the government if that is possible,,but by asking too much it may

not be possible for the government to meet our demands. It is a test for

us so that we may go to whereever we go that we are really loyal to our


Tajiri, Must not place the blame for whatis happending on the government

as they are forced into this due to the pressure groups - anti-Japanese

sentiment, which is trying to clear this country of: "ap, which forced

the government's hands--and thus the zov. has asked the Army to move in.

Families with Nisei selectees are not placed im-the same categ. as the

its and Ger.

Murase - Oak. Demos. - JACL states that there are business men and other

Cau casians JACL states that there are gov. agencies which are edfising

amme E0 igus to facilitate matters are there any ccordination among the

Frye + ie

anv: Susinessmen are without time to coordinate their actions, and any.

way is tt feasible? :

Nisei Writers: Taro - *eeping the other groups in the dark as tc what

the JACL is doing and if -this;is bas meeting.of this-sort, .the purpose

is defeated. Suggest: other groups be allowed to sit in with the JACL in 41

an advisory capacity.

Inagaki - E ec. Sec. of 5.C. Under the sponsorship of the 8. District

Council, 3 or 4 groups came out very strongly against the JACL and also

approved by the rest of the membe s. Coordinating council was formed in

South - after 3 weeks this group has not accopplished a thing. League

itself is mn majority., but even in the minority, differences of opinion

exist as to what should be done. Bickering exist and nothing is accomp-

lished, so that the JACL has formally withdraw from that League.

SUGGEST: no Coordingating Council byxknexeagmuex but the JACL should

accept constructive criticisms.

James Sakoda - UC - Realize that JACL snould ake leadership provided that

leadership is representative. Some sort of organ should be set up so that


voice of the minorit; . well as individuals can b_heard.

Objective body which one could appeal to if there are some differences

among the groups.

Suggest: Caucasian Advisory Board to which on minority groups and indiv.

can bring its suggestions. ,

Masaoka These groups have been used as tool by some Caucasians -. politicall

Hard to get such a high-mindedggroup. Present your own thoughts to your

own friends - Caucasians. Sounding board can be formed by each' of your org.

without the JACL and ideas may be brought to the JACL for consideration.

YWCA - Nothing to say.

Voluntary evacuation OK? - There should not be any indiv. voluntary move-

ments unless know conditions there. No gov. protection in voluntary evacu-


Tad Hirota - Believes that we should have a sounding board.

Older Scouts - Mr. Shozo Tsuchida - Endorse Sounding Board or Coordinating

Council among the minorities, as various people have various opinions.

There is always a mindrity. The problem is too large a problem for any one

person or group to tack#@. ix(R)xikRikxxx to repemsexkxahe Nisexyxkxnexxshould


MASAOKA * lf the JACL is to represent the Nisei, they should bear the cost

of expense proportionately+-that is the other groups considered the minority

Omura - If have fair hearing in a sounding board willing to contribute our

share. ,

Masaoka - Pepple are sent among the Japanese te create dissension among the


Kibei - Akiya - Council dissolved., after the war. In LA, Americanization

Council has been set up to educate the Kibei for the future.

Suggest - JACL t-ke action to set up some kind of apparatus for the Kibei

thru which education of the Kibei should take place and Americanization

should odeur. Added: Should include a great number of Nisei too. An Am-

ericanization program should be carried on in the Nisei group as a whole.

NISEI STUDENTS OF UC * Tamotsu Shibutani - Favor advisory committee in

spite of difficulties which can't be any worse then what has been going on

at the present time. As Board has been making making all the decisions, no

persons can start on the assmuption that he can know everything about the

Nisei. At least they can listen to what they say. Advisory Board of experts

in social planning.

Sim Togasaki - Sounding board - Have Asuch a commbttee if sincerely believe i

in helping JACL in its solution of its problems.

UC STUDENTS * Opposed to elimination of anyone from the: civil service

Masaoka - Persons have gefused to go to court and testify. May try

to get rulbggon freezing of those with jobs. Protest has been made to

Clark in cases where teachers and employees have been made to sign

leave of absences under duress.

What civil rights will be retained by citizens in the demilitarized areas

2 Caucasians with whom the JACL have been working - Miss Watson and

Miss Chickering.

Suggest that Caucasians be membe s on the Advisory Board particularly

Nisei Writers - we are at the disposal of the JACL in whatever work

can be done in the way of publicity.

What about our right of franchise - political activity

what provisions for the infirmed and pregnancy cases.

Bay Region JACL Coordinating Council - survey mide of the community

regarding the number in family, automobiles, and age of children,etc.

so that we may schools at the camps, may ask for moratorium, in order

to make exemptio..s for dertain people must know the health of the people.

Financial problems - establishing banks within the camp. Baba

Ask that army make statements that we are not being kicked out because

of our loyalty or disloyalty. |

Nisei draftee question: Only an army yuestion and not to be discussed by

the civilians.

Family units will be kept together, notsystem of labor exploitation and

labor camps. --men are willing to work.

Omura: Place for care of property in the view of the fact that they will

not be able to tHke so large a amount. A common storage be created where

all the property will be stored for the duration.

Permit groups interested to form a sounding board and and allot a certain

time each week in which this sounding group wili bring the results to the


Motion was placed before the group to have a sounding board with barry

Tajiri as Temporary Chairman xmeixkmak comprised of the representatives

of organizations present this evening, with representation from any

organized groups that are not present tonite, the membership of the

JACL is left to their own discretion. A representative from this

Sounding Board will be allowed to go to the Coord. Youncil with their

Suggestions or to go to the National Organization.



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