Meeting minutes from San Francisco Coordinating Council meeting, February 23, 1942

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` JACL Headquarters Bldg.

Oakland, Calif.

: 2/23/42

Purpose: Toccoordinate all organizations and activities in the

community. .

To disseminate all news and information received, being

sure that it is uniform.

Need: To work effectively on all things that come up

JACL: In case that anyactivity is not in line with the policies

of the JACL, repr sentatives will be asked to go before the

JACL to discuss and present that activity in question.

Bay Region Coordinating Council must OK any goodwili and

promotions! work undertaken by any of the Chapters of the

JACL within that council.

Action: lEach greup present to present suggestions which put to-

gether will be presented to the tolan "ommittee as one.

2. Contact the Causasian groups and present our problems to

obtain their help and their susgestions.

Labor, Allen Blaisdell, Dr. denter, Rev. Reagor, Galen

Fisher, Rev. Doubleday, Pickett, Chester Rowell,

Call personally or by letters

3. Site racial line that the press are taking in this pres-

ent situation.

4. Willingness to support the government in any line of work

or project that they put out, but emphasize that they put

us to work.

Obtain date on the bloo# banks

Obtin data on the discharged soldiers

Length of service, eason for discharge, date of in-

duction ana discharge, branch of service, location of

branch, information on demotion and explanation of such

7. Possibility of mutual evacuation- It. Ger. Jap. being sure

that they are Anti-Fascist groups

8. Bringing to light the discrepancies of the statements made

by officials as Olson, Rossi, bringing to attention of



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