Totalitarian beliefs

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The recent visit of the newspaver aid radio mer. into

the Center to allow them the opportunity of seeing re-

location life as it actually exists has resulted in

the publication of many articles pertaining to the

Rohwer and Jerome projestse

The uncerisored news: reports obtained by the mes-

corted press men indicste that the visitors were sable

to got factual and unpre judiced views of the conditions

and effeets noticeable here. However, on some points,

their interpretations have not been ontiroly correct.

For orale, one of the articles states thet Bude

dhism is a "state religion which in its outward ex"

emplifiecation might be compared to the neosparanism

Which the Nazis have devised to oust the Christain

faiths in Germany -- truly a religious axis."

Buddhism is neithor nooepazen in concept nor m out-

growth of totwlitariah beliefs. It is mthor a svirite

ual belicf, based upon the teachings of Buddha, who

was born in India roughly shout 2400 yoars ago.

As on international religion, Buddhism ranks in the

numbers of adherents with Christianity and Mohanmcdan-

ism. As a philosophy, it is recognized hy some of the

greatest minds in the world today.

Contrary to the goneral fallagious belief, the Bud~

dhists do not worshin idols or images. Howover, thoy

do have ornate tomples and levish sltarse-similar to

the Catholic churchose

' The sermons and strict adherence to the teachings

of Buddha, involving in and narrow senso, the following

of tho Eight Noble Paths, the liberal Buddhist Ton

Commandments, are fundamental t6 the Buddhist crced,

A majority of the Conter people profess Buddhism as

their creod and it is true thet most of thom arc the

Older residents. Over half of the nisoi are Buddhist

in background, end the trust thet can be placed in a

Christian nisei can just as safely be placed on a4 Bud

dhist niseie

Let us not forget thet it was religious intolerance

that aided in peopling the North American continent

and that the right to profess eny religion. (as long as

it isnot contrary to the wolfare of the nation) is one

of the basio ideals of democracys

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