Letter from Robert Gordon Sproul, President, University of California, Berkeley California, to presidents of various universities, March 13, 1942

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Merch 15, 1942


Amerteen-bern persone of Jammse ancestry, ac weli as alion enemies,

are to be removed from wide regions on this coast. These regions

Telia), so that ve expeat that stwleate who are of Japanese ances~

try will be removed. The great majority of these are American

eitiseus. Many of them are omellant students.

I om writing this letter to ask if each students would be

their records, if their conduct at the University has been satio-~

factory, ani if they arc citizens of this country. :

Seme sugh persous may be able to secure funds for theirs support.

Others may seek work for self-support. May I ask you to

om in whole, may exist in or near your institution? Also, would

auch students be subject to a mon-resident fee?

Very sincerely youts,


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