Bibliography of Japanese in America. Part II: books and pamphlets, 1937-42

Primary tabs



November 24, 1942




Additions and corrections to this bibliography will be

welcomed and should be sent to the Senior Archivist, War

Relocation Authority, Washington, D, C,


Adamic, Louis

From Many Lands

New York, Harper, 1940.

(contains ee "A Young American With a Sicneens Face")

Adams, Romanzo :

Interracial Marriage in Hawaii New York, Macmillan, 1937

(a standard book on the subject)

Bennet, John C,

A Touchstone of Democracy

New York, Council for Social etl on, 1942.

(includes also articles by C. Gillett, G, Fisher,

C, Iglehart, and J. Conard)

Brown, F. S, and Roucek, J. S,

Our Racial and National Minorities

New York, Prentice Hall, pound4937 :

(contains article, "Japanese Americans", by John A, Rademaker ).

Buck, Pearl

American Unity and Asia

New York, John Day, 1942

(contains address to Japanese Americans)

Bunje, EH, T. H.

The Story of Japanese Farming in California

W. P. A. Project No, 165-03- -6999

Berkeley, 13t

Burrows, Edwin Grant

Chinese and Japanese in Hawaii during the Sino-Japanese Conflict -

Honolulu, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1949


Report, October 12, 1938

Ottawa, printed by J. 0. Patenaude, I.5, O, Printer to

the King, 1939

(board of review on charges concerning illegal a of

aliens into Canada)


Report and recommendations, December 1940

Ottawa, E, Cloutier, Printer to the King, 1941

(special committee on Orientals in British Columbia)

Clark, Blake

Remember Pearl Harbor

New York, Modern Age Books, 1942

(contains chapter on the Japanese communi ty in Honolulu,

refutes the rumors of sabotage)


Chicago, (Univ. of) Round Table

Aliens in Our Midst

May 10, 1942

(A pamphlet)

Eisenhower, M. S,

Statement of M, S, Eisenhower, Director of War Helodetion

Authority; Leland Barrows, Executive Officer, WRA; and

Col, Karl R, Bendetsen,: Asst, Chief OF Staff, Fourth Army

and Western Defense Command,

(Hearings on first supplemental national defense appropria-

tion bill for 1943, U.S. 77the Congress, 2nd session, House

Subcommittee of the Committee on appropriates ee. 13)

Washington, Govt, Peenteng, eer 1942,

inbree, John F,

Acculturation Among the Japanese of Kona, Hawaii.

American Anthropological Association Memotr , No, 59 igh

Exploratory. Study of West Coast' Reactions to: Japanese

Washington, Office of Facts and Figures, 1942

Figueroa San Miguel, Pedro : ie ag ee es

Historia sintetica del ruidoso proceso sobre reivindicacion

del Tulumayo en la carretera Huanuco-Pucallpa, Lima Imprenta

Segrestan, 1938, | | :

(Japanese in erkeg tend tenure-Peru, Tulumayo, Peru)

hicks, Caleb

American Refugees

Fellowship of Reconciliation, baer 19a

(A -

Fucks, Aas: oe

Mutual Life se Ata ee bho Mepahbse - in Bouttern California

with Special Reference to Los Angeles

eas riers apetedee - Nae ag secihis cle' Eee 1937.

Gleason, ecirees

The Japanese on the Pacific Coast. .

A factual study of events, pecan a "Ighi-sept. i "aghi2

(Statement for the Los Angeles County Committee for Church

and Community a BRP. 192)

(A pamphlet) o os Pe eS

Guevara, Viotor J, i

Las grande sucetinnes nacionales; = netrcieo, los Perr:

carriles, la immigracion japonesa, el problema moral, Cuzco,

Peru, Talleres tipograficos de H.G, Rozas sucesores, 1939,

(Petroleum-Peru, ee Japanese in: -- Peru-

`Moral conditions, ) os

6-3505 -BU-COS-WP"

Himel, W,

Can Japanese be Americans?

Unpublished manuscript, Seattle, 1941

Hoshiyama, F,

The Community of Second-Generation American Citizens of =

"Japanese Parentage in San Francisco (c)

Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Paychology,

= of California, 1941 se

"ikuchi, c. =e

The Japanese-American Youth in San Francisco

Unpublished Manuscript, Junior Counseling Department,

California State Employment Service, San Francisco, `gh

LaViolette, Forrest

Types of Adjustment of American-Born Japanese' ce

ceneeteed doctor's `thesis, Univ, of Chicago, 1958

Tina, Andrew

An Island Community

Chicago, University of Chicago Press, , 1938

(A social study of Honolulu)

Lind, Andrew W. and Ogura, Shiku

Kona, Haven of Refuge

Uspubit shed manuscript

MacKenzie, Norman Archibald MacRae ie a

The legal status of aliens in Pacific countries; an international

survey of law and practice concerning immigration, naturalization

and deportation of aliens and their legal rights and disabilities,

edited by Norman MacKenzie...London, New York (c)

Oxford University `Press, 1937

Maicolm, Roy.

The Japanese Problem in California |

(A pamphlet reprinted from The World Affairs Shae ck. April 19420x00B0

Los Angeles, soe Southern California

Miller, ee Dunlap a , Se of the. dietary. and value of Living of a =

families in Hawaii

Honolulu, University of Hawaii, 1938

Miyemoto, Shotaro Frank |

Social solidarity among the Japanese 16 1 Seattle

Seattle, University of Washington, 1939, ~~

(Publication in' the Social Sciences, Vol, 11, io, 2)



Nomura, A.

Whither Nisei?

Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Seniioey:

Mills College, 1941

Oliveira, Xavier de..

O problema imigratorio na Constituicao brasileira; emendas e

discursos na Constituinte e na Camara federal. Raxoes americanas

de uma campanha de brasilidede.

Rio de Janeiro, A. Coelho Branco F? 1937

(Emigration and deities enone law -- Brazil. Japanese in Brazil).

Pajus, Jean

The real Japanese California

Berkeley, J. J. Gillick Co., Inc., 1937

Rodrigues, Francisca Pereira

O braco estrangeiro.

Sao.Paulo, Imprensa oficial do estado, 1938

(Brazil- -Foreign population, Germans in Brazil, Japanese

in Brazil, Education-Brazil) 3 |

Sakoda, J.

As They Await Evacuation

Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Psychology,

University of California, 19h2

scott, P.

Public School Education of Second Generation Japanese in


Stanford University Press, 1940

Shapiro, Harry Lionel

-Migration and environment; a study of the physical characteristics

of the Japanese immigrants to Hawaii and the effects of environment

on their descendants.

By H. L. Shapiro, With the field assistance of Frederick S. Hulse

London, New York, Oxford. See Press, 1939

Shibutani, T.

The Initial Impact of the War on the Japanese Communities

in the San Francisco Bay Region

Unpublished manuscript prepared for the Univ. of California, 1942

Shibutani, T.

A Racial Minority Population in California 2

Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Economics, Univ. a

California, 1941


Shibutani, T.

A Socio-Psychological Case Study of a asrercee eS

Family in Berkeley, California

Unpublished manuscript, Dept. of TAYEROT DES | Ubi Ve of

ee a of

Shibutani, Ts , re ee gees .

When the Twain eats A Study of Acculturation

Unpublished manuscript, Dept. of Social ene

University: of Se 19ht :

Shoemaker, James H.

Labor in the Territory of Hawaii, 1939

(House Doc. 848, 76th Congress, 3rd session,)

"Washington, Goverriment Printing Office, 1940 .

Smith, W.

The Garden of the Sun

Los Angeles, Lymanhouse, 1939

A Social Study of the Japanese Population in the Greater New York Area

New York, The Survey Committee, 1942. - :

Sparkman, John J.

Preliminary report and recommendations on problems of evacuation

of citizens and aliens from military areas. March 19, 1942

(Report 1911, U.S. 77th Congress, 2nd session, House select

committee investigating national defense migration)

Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 19ke

State Absentee Voting and Registration Laws

Office of War Information, Sept. 1942:

Thomas, Norman

Democracy and Japariese Americans

New York, The Post War ta Council, 1942

(A pamphlet ) :

Tolan, John H. (Chairman)

Findings and recommendations on evacuation of enemy aliens (c)

and others from prohibited military zones. May, 1942

(Report 2124, U.S. 77th Congress, 2nd session, House select

committee investigating national defense migration)

Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1942.

Tolan, John H. (Chairman)

Problems of evacuation of enemy aliens and others from

prohibited military zones, parts 29-31, February 21-March le,

1942. (Hearings, H.Res.113, U.S. 77th Congress, 2nd session,

House select committee investigating national defense migration)

Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1942


Wakukawa, Ernest Katsumi

A history of the Japanese, people in Bevedy:

Honolulu, The Toyoshoin, 1958 =

War Relocation Authority aperont ation lontatnt tony. een July 25, 1942

(Public Law 678, 77th Congress, chapter 524, Ond Ronet ens PT)

Washington, Govt. Ane -- 1942 oe

War Relocation Authority"

Manzanar From the Inside by. Roy: Nash ; a

(A speech mimeographed by WRA, July = iota)

War Relocation Authority. a

Questions, and Answers for Byacuesa

May 155 igke cS as

War Relocation Authority

Relocating Japanese-American Evacuees (c)

May, 1942 | ave

War Relocation Authority | ee

= Relocation Communities for `Wartime Wisenen:

September, 1942

War Relocation. Authority . Ss

ces The War Relocation Work Corps oe

"May 15, 19he

Gar Reldeation: Authority ea

Quarterly Report, March 18-June 30, "gh2 te press)

Second Quarterly Report,. Bee Lsfeptanber: 30; _-

(in process of compilation) .

Yasukochi, G.

A Study of the Vocational Hppertonces of: Univ. of calif.

Alumni of Japanese Ancestry. | ae

(Unpublished manuscript, N.Y.A. `Project,

Univ. of California, 1941)

Young, Charles Hurlburt (co-author AES Helen `Reta `and We Ae carrothers)

`The Japanese Canadians |

Toronto; The Univ. of Toronto Press, 1938


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