Topaz times, vol. 2, no. 38 (February 15, 1943)

Primary tabs

Vol, II No, 38

Registration, covering

leave clearances for all

Tonaz residents and mili-

tary service for all male

citizens 17 years of age

and over, is advancing ac-

cording to the schedule

published in the Friday

issue of the Topaz Times,

it was announced today.

~~Residents of blocks 8

and 11, who began regis-

tration Saturday, were ac-

commodated in today's re-

zistration with blocks 3

and 26, so that the sched-~

wle could be brought up to

date, according to Claude

C. Gornwall, chief of em


_ All persons should ad-

here strictly to the day

of registration scheduled

for their block, Gornwall

said, However, residents

desiring to expedite their

own rezistration may do so

by securing the -proper

forh from the registration

hall in advance, filling

it out at home and return-

ing it on the ebatoentie


According to the oaiet=

ule, blocks 4 and 19 are

exnected to register to-.



Orriciar Due Here

Deputy WF. Svafford of

the Internal Revenue Serv-

ice in Salt Lake City will

be in the City on Tuesday

and Wednesday, February 16

and 17, to assist resi-

dents in filing their Fed-

eral income

This service is to be giv-

en without charge for the

benefit of the residents,

Svafford will hold his

office in Rec 2, An inter-

preter will be provided.


(Fri.night) 520x00B0

(Satsmorn,) 140x00B0:

(Sat.night) 550x00B0

iin, (Sun.morn.) 160x00B0

Max. (Sun.night) 530x00B0

Min, (Mon.morn,) 180x00B0


Mi n 2s



taf te be} be te by


`Gne -

-mocracy as established

tax returns, -



Resouurion To

eee oe

In accordance with ovolans,

Monday, February 15, 1943


RisipENnT aidan ree FORWARDS




all of each.

block held a meeting Saturday night to discuss matters

dealing with the


sembly on Sunday.

One of the specific pur

poses of the discussion

was to bring out the feel-

ing of the residents with

respect to making a declar

ation to the U.S. govern-

ment which would inad cate

the - desires of the resi-

dents ree-rding their civ-


At the. meeting Sunday,

a-revort was received from

the representatives of

each block. Upon agreement

of those in. attendance,

representative from

each "lock was selected to

form a committee of 33

members who convened _ imme- dir

registration and to

from each block to attend a

select 4 repre-

city-wide as-


At this committee meet-

ing, the following dele-

gates were appointed. to

form a sub-committee: Vic-

tor "Abe, Shig Himoto,

Frank Fukuda, K, Nishida,

George Ochikubo,0x00B0 S, Take-

shita, Shozo Tsuchida, Rev.

Josevh Tsukamoto and Sus


The sub-committee pre-

cared a resolution which

was teletyved this morning

to the Secretary of War

Henry L. Stimson and to

Dillon S, Myer, national

director of the WRA,


We, the citizens of the

United States of America,

residents. of the Central

Utah -Relocation Froject,

Topaz, Utah, in order to

perform our duties as lo-

yal citizens of the United

- States and in order to up-

hold the princivles of de-


the Constitution of the

United, States do hereby

state that:


zens of the

we the - citi-

Ynited States

have been asked by our Gov-

ernment to pledge our une

qualified allegiance to

this centgountry.

Whereas, we have accept~

ed in good faith and in

full cooperation the ex-

traordinairy orders of the

United States Army.

Whereas, we feel that

we have given our fullest

to this pro-

gram of evacuation,

Where rs, we have tempo-

rarily: surrendered many of

the rights and . privileges


citizenship which we

have. heretofore enjoyed.

Whereas, the Government

through `ve Federal Re-

serve Bank has promised us

`full protection from un-

scrupulous people at the

time of ev2cuatfon, -

' Whereas, we `believe the

Federal Reserve Bank has

failed to protect the peo-


Whereas, we suffered

losses of homes, proper-

ties, work, freedom of

movement, separation from

friends, and all things we

felt dear to us without


Whereas, we wish to

prevent in the future, the |

mass evacuation or confin-

ing of citizens without


Whereas, we feel that

there is only one class of

citizenship in this coun-

try and a loyal citizen of

one race should not be

treated any different from


Whereas, we believe

that some of these things

mentioned above constitute

(Cont'd on page 2)

Page 2


not disloyal to this Gov-

ae violation of our civil


. Aad; `whereas, we: believe |

Sincerely .and:hdnestly in

the principles of freedom

of Speech, freedom of Wor-

ship, freedam of the Press

and freedom of Assemblage

as embodied in the Consti-

tution and its amendments.

Therefore, be it resol-

ved: se :

(1) That we ask Secre-

tary of War Henry L. Stim-

son that after a thorough

investigation by the mili-

tary Intelligence and the

Federal Bureau of Investi-

gation and other Federal

authorities that persons

that are cleared should

have absolute freedom of

movement and the choice of

returning to their homes,

. (2) That we request Pre-

sident Roosevelt to give

us assurance that he will

use his good office in an

endeavor to secure all con-

stitutional and civil

rights as American citi-


(3) That the security

for the isseis be assured.

(4) That we ask Presi-

dent Roosevelt to use his

food office to bring favor-

able impression to the

public regarding the loyal


(5) That we ask that

those isseis considered by

the Government as being




Q. If .issei fill out

WRA form 126 (revised), do

they have the privilege of

refusing the outside work

offered if they feel that

the money reeeived for sex

vices will not be suffi-

clen% for. their living


A, The answer is yes,

The further answer is,"The

WRA is not going to foree

people to `relocate when.

they do not want to be re-

located," This would cover

cases of insufficient

wages as mentioned in the

above question and also

eases in which relocation.

was considered undesirable

for any reason,

bill at Rec 32,

ernment be. classified as

friendly aliens,:

(6) Thet wo have the

Government note the sdvan+

tages of the good publi-

_Rebruary 15, 1943,

| Topaz SiAPEN.

city to be gaincd by dis-.

bursing nisei soldiers in-

to the Army at large rath-

er than by forming a sepa-

rate combat team;

that the Government furth-

er note that the education

of Caucasian soldiers can

be made through deep com-

radeshin that grows be-

tween soldiers facing a com-

mon, task and thereby edu-

cate the Americanpublic,

(7): That the Government

recognizing that we are


fighting for the Four Free-

doms as embodied in the

Atlantic Charter should

apply these democratic

principles tous here at


(8) That we believe. that

if satisfactory answers

can be given by a Govern-

ment spokesman, "referably

the President. of the

United States, to these

questions we can. go and

fight for this our country

without fear or qualms

concerning the security of

our future rights,

And be it further re-

solved, that we respect-

fully ask for immediate

answers to the questions

in this resolution.


MOVIES: "Little Men"

with Jack Oakie and Kay

Francis will be shown at

Ree 31 throughout this

week, Added attractions

are "Picture Pcople0x2122 and

"Talking Thru My Heart."

"Private Life 6pound. Don

Juan" starring Douglas

Fairbanks, Sr, and lierle

Oberon, "Melo Drama" and

"Lasso Wizard".

- Show schedule is: Mon-

day, 8 PM; Tuesday to Sat-

urday, 7:50 PM; and Satur-

day matinee, 2:50 PM.

are: on the


WANTED: Two operators

are needed. by the Topaz

beauty parlor. Apprentices

are welcome -to apply for

the positions, Apvlica-

May Appiy For

Great Lakes Work

_ , Residents who were. for-

marly members `of .a-sea-

ments union: or the Pacific

coast as mercHant' seamen,

fishermen, and. galley

cooks and desire empldy-

ment along these lines may

register at once with Fer-

dinand C, Smith, national

secretary, National Mari-

time Union, 346 West 17th

Street, New York City, At

present the only area o-

pen for such work will be

in the Great Lakes' region.

The CIO National Mari-

time Union office in Chica-

go also advises that such

candidates should register

with Jack Lawrenson, vice

president, National Mari-

time Union, 317 West Fort

Street, Detroit, Michigan,

and mark the letter "Hold",

according to a communica-

tion to the project direc-

tor from Elmer L, Shirre1ll,

relocation supervisor,

The letter also states

that the' season will open

within 30 days and those

interested are advised to

get on these two lists.

Persons interested should

also apply immediately for

registration in Dining

Hall 1 and contact the.em-

ployment office for fur-

ther information,



"The Utah plan to co-

operate with the Topaz ci-

ty school system is to

make it fully up to the

standard in the State and

thereby its credits should

be accepted without gques-

tion bv the various. educa-

tional institutions of our

_ country," Charles H,. Skid-

more, State superintendent

of education, stated last

week in and communication to

LeGrand Noble, superinten-

dent of the-.Topaz schools.

This statement came in

response to inouiries made

by the residents regarding

the acceptance by other

institutions of eredits

from the schools in this


tions should. be made at

the Co-op office, Rec 26.

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