Letter from Fred W. Links, Assistant Director of the California State Dept. of Finance, to Don Greame Kelley, 1953 June 24

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Department of Hinance


Jume 24, 1953

Mr. Don Greame Kelley, Editor

Pacific Discovery

California Academy of Sciences

Golden Gate Park

San Francisco 18, California

Dear Mr. Kelley:

There is no objection if you desire to use either black-and-white

halftone plates or color plates of the California State Bear.

We are having a set of engravings made by the Graphic Arts Engraving

Company of 500 Sansome Street, San Francisco. These are to be plates 4 inches

in width. From these, we shall have electrodes made. We should be glad to order

a set of electrodes for you if you so wish, as it probably would be considerably

cheaper to have them made at the same time that our set is made than to have a

separate set manufactured. The cost for the electrodes is between $40 and $50.

If you wish us to order a set for you, please let us know as soon as possible.

With reference to your invoice for $500 for the drawing, I was somewhat

surprised at the amount of your fee. We have made inquiry from large book and

trade periodical publishers who have indicated that one-half of the amount of

your invoice would be more in keeping with the work which was performed. The

drawing which you made was not original in conception, but was done with reference

to pre-existing illustrations of the bear, plus the advice of several zoologists.

In view of the fact there was no element of outright originality in the drawing,

your fee appears to be exceedingly high.

We have just had four copies made of very detailed paintings which I

know required considerable hours of intricate matching of celors of previous

works which we obtained for $100 each from a very well-known artist. Comparing

this price with your invoice for $500 indicates the amount of your bill to be


When we requested Dr. Storer to find an artist to make the drawing,

he indicated a drawing could be obtained for a moderate fee. We do not believe

that the amount of your invoice is a moderate one.


Mr. Don Greame Kelley - June 24, 1953

We believe we would be justified in approving an invoice for half

the amount which you have submitted, but would have difficulty in defending

approval for any larger amount.

Yours very truly,

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Fred W. Links

Assistant Director

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