Letter to Don Greame Kelley from Dr. Tracy I. Storer, Professor of Zoology at U.C. Davis, 1953 January 15

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15 January 1953

Mre Don Ge Kelley

143 Willow Avenue

Fairfax, California

Dear Kelley:

Herewith is one of the prints you had made of the grizzly. Mr.

Links reports he is fairly satisfied but Lloyd Tevis and I think

a few details need attention. These are listed on the slip at-

tached to the photographe Will you work over the matter a little

more and let me see another manifestation of the illustration.

Perhaps you are willing to take a chance and send your blue ori-

ginal for our inspection. There is some time available because

Mr. Links advises he has introduced a bill without the illustra-

tion and can amend it when the Legislature reconvenes. Included

herewith are the photos of the Nahl painting and of the Van Vleck

woodcut which you probably would like to have at hand for refer=

encee We have copies here. I am retaining the photo of the

flag youthad made and sent to Mr. Links since we do not have a

flag at the moment. Let me know what goes on aS soon as you can

as I may be taking off for Southern California about 26 January

and be gone for a couple of weeks,


toe J. Storer

Tracy I. Storer

Professor of Zoology



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