Letter to Don Greame Kelley from Dr. Tracy I. Storer, Professor of Zoology at U.C. Davis, 1952 December 11

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11 December 1952

Mr. Don G. Kelley

113 Willow Avenue

Fairfax, California

Dear Kelley:

Mr. Fred Links, Assistant Director, California State Department of Fi-

nance, plans to have a bill introduced in the 1953 Legislature to de-

fine the form of the California Bear Flag. Like the comparable bill

in 1937 on the state seal, this will require an illustration. Legis=

lative bills are printed on rather poor quality of paper, about like

newsprint, hence the illustration should not "md-up" in the press.

The type bed is about 1/8 inches, and an original of the bear about

8 inches long would be appropriate.

For your guidance I enclose the following:

le State Flag, 23 x 36 inches

2e Photo of Nahl grizzly painting (Colton Hall, Monterey), Ca 1850

3- Photo of Nahl bear, woodcut by D. Van Vleck, [18950 copied from

Hutching's California Magazine 1853 or 1858 (reversed to match

preceding ) f

he Photo of grizzlies, Yellowstone, Jos. Dixon, 1929

t am advised that no. 3 was basis of flag design by Emerson Manufactur-

ing Company, 161 Natoma Street, San Francisco, one of the principal

producers of flags for the State and private customers. He (and pre-

sumably other manufacturers) has a large investment in silk screens

for flags from h x 6 inches up to 10 x 15 feet or more. The bear de-

sign for the legislative bill should depart as little as possible from

the existing flat manufacturers! design so they will not be put to

heavy expense in changing screens -~ yet we want a good bear! I infer

the manufacturers used the major furrows of the Van Vleck cut for

shading and I presume they can be as shown.

As to details:

A. Claws should be more terminal on all feet -~ they show in a

grizzly track -- and have very slight curve. (See specimens in North

American Hall; also Burt, Field Guide to the Mammals, page 25); those

of the flag show too much curves.

B. Canine teeth on flag are not right; lower equals upper in size

and on closing is just in front of upper; no teeth should show behind

eanines (there is a space -- see a skull).


page two to Mr. Kelley 11 December 1952

Ce Lower left lip droops too much; use less curve.

De. Hair on lower jaw of Nahl illustration too much like sideburns

(see Dixon photo); reduce in amount, with less forward sweep.

Ee Brow a little too abrupt.

F, Make ears slightly lower in height and a little more rounded at

Ge Smooth top line of neck more.

He Make shoulder hump a little sharper behind.

Ie Rump should slope off more behind.

Je Shanks on forelegs a little thin.

Bob Orr may be able to aid in your enterprise, perhaps with photos in

books that will help in correcting some details. The flag bear is said

by some to be too porcine; let*s make it ursine.

Wr. Links will pay for the drawing.

I will hope to ii you `ine week

Good luck,

Gracy 9. Stowe

Tracy I. Storer

TIS shh

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