Letter from Don Greame Kelley to Fred W. Links, Assistant Director of the California State Dept. of Finance, 1953 April 7

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7 April 1953

Dear Mr. Links:

I am glad to hear that I may have a chance to see you this week.

Unless I hear at the last minute that Dr. von Geldern cannot,

after all, meet me for either luncheon (as arranged) or dinner

on Thursday, I shall be in Sacramento all day. I am writing Dr.

Bowman, this same mail, to suggest he try to set up a conference

for the three of us and possibly Dr. Storer, some time Thursday-

preferably after two, but I can prpbably make it between ten and

twelve if that is not possible with either or both of you.

Upon my arrival in Sacramento I shall call Dr. Bowman first, and

your office if I fail to find him in, to learn what arrangements

have been made.


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Mr. Fred WW. Links Don Greame Kelley

State Department of Finance

Sacramento 1h, California

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