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Ship Angelique: California Association of American Women, New York, February 20, 1849.
New store! Valuable goods!
Sir, I have been instructed by the Society of California Pioneers, to notify you that the Society has been fully organized under the Constitution, by the election of the following Officers, viz: ...
Preamble and resolutions read and adopted at the mass meeting held in the town of Sonora, on Sunday, July 21, 1850.
Anatomical and surgical lectures.
Bank of California: incorporated under the laws of the State.
Notice to passengers: this train does not stop for meals: supper is now ready on Pullman's Palace Dining Car Cosmopolitan, attached to this train.
Prices current for China provisions, most suitable in this market : expressly for Chinese use.
Dancing school: Mr. S.J. Millington, Pioneer teacher of California ... introductory lesson in Mr. Gall's Hall ... for further particulars, inquire at the Weber House.
Quartz mining laws of Nevada County.
Compromise resolutions of the Hon. Henry Clay: introduced by him into the Senate of the United States, January 29th, 1850.
Moonlight Excursion! San Francisco & San Jose Railroad, to San Mateo, Belmont, Redwood City, Santa Clara, and San Jose.
Committee of Vigilance.
Pantoscope of California, Nebraska and Salt Lake now exhibited at Apollo Rooms, 410 Broadway, Near Canal-Street, N.Y.
Thos. S. King, having published in the Evening Bulletin a gross and infamous paragraph intending it to apply to the undersigned ... I hereby pronounce him a paltry knave, coward and liar!
Philadelphia and California Mining Company stock certificate no. 318 : Philadelphia, 1852 April 7.
J.J. Lecount, importer of foreign and domestic stationery, and dealer in every description of books. Montgomery Street, near California, San Francisco.
The Late duel between the Hon. D.C. Broderick, U.S. Senator, and the Hon. D.S. Terry, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California - A Statement written by an Eye-witness.
A radical view of the Chinese question as elucidated by the Hon. J. McM. Shafter.
A Proclamation. By the President of the United States of America.
