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(1 - 20 of 78)


Armed cowboys on horseback
Barbara Kennelly, Hayward Rodeo Queen
The barns at Scott's Ranch
Branding, San Luis Ranch, Merced Co. California
Branding, San Luis Ranch, Merced Co. California
Cattle grazing on ranchlands
Cattle grazing on ranchlands
Cow fields
Cowboy at the Santa Rita Rancho, California
Cowboy equipment
Cowboy equipment
Cowboy equipment and spurs
Cowboy holding a harness
Cowboy on horseback
Cowboy thrown from bucking horse
Cowboys  examining a donkey
Cowboys wrangling a young cow
Cows drinking from a water source among roling hills
Don Avila of Cupertino shows off his calf roping abilities aboard Patagonia Belle
"El Capitan el Palomino,"
