Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Fred Korematsu, December 2, 1942

Primary tabs

-0x00A7850. He paid $150 and the balomee is due on

`endlosiing a copy of our December paper. begax

"to Popaz. You'll be tt a ing/part

_ able to prints

lr. Tred TI. Koremateu,

Black Stone Hotel,

243 West Second Pt engine pry Tie :

"Salt lake SPta Ete wiis'cent resp* OL gpe onpy.e SmOmig"

Deax Fred:

Congratulntions epan your new job ail your departure

frem Topaze The wages aren't ac holy, and a good welder is going

to wmste, but surely life for you is betvter ` it was et Topate

What has happened to the rest .of your damily?- Maybe in time you

can line up a job. im acu cthor eqammity where the wages are

higher. Of COUFEG" `they're discriminating Japanese end

they Imow very well they're not supposed te do it where they are

employed on defeuse ROTA AL Ae ccs venees 380"

Viayne Collins has Worked hard on the brief in your case.

It will rum well over a luodired grimted pages end should be filed

either the latter part of this week or the eee of next week},

~I*2L send you 8 cepy when it comea alongs

eg letter from dom Ura rocomtly, He's still at

Kooskia, Idnhoe He wertted to know how 1. was. getting elong with -

the gets of his car. Sy the time he got the pink slip.te me proper-

By elgned, the market on used cars had been. depressed by the im-

`ponding gasoline rationing. Consequently, the. dealers. would give

oily between {275 ant $295. I finely sold it toe eT a

: I

more trouble with the car, too. The bettony had to be -

| a ae arm broke. nweog con?

_ Bd you see the decision in the. iinora. Yeeud eeaeao: It

se your copy was cont

of mane

C5 ch 84

`I*m heard up baw we in the preree and as @ result I have

"fallen far behind in my work. . That, a8; Ses =r reason. `= `fabledto

answer -_ provious Letterd se...

Let me hear from you Nai ties Weta

Simeorely yours, _

Brnest Bosig.

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