Letter from Ernest Besig, Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, to Fred Korematsu, January 29, 1943

Primary tabs

te, Fred %,. Koremateu

328 Gast 2nd South Street

Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Preds

Thanks for the letter, I am afraid the last one I sent

you is still at the Blackstone Hote] because I sont it

to that addvess, You'd better eall arcund there and ine

quire for your mail,

The hearing on tho Government's motion to dismiss has

been postponed until February loth, At thet time the

"irabsyashi ease, the Muoru Yasui cose, the Regan case

and your ow will bo heard by tho court. I believe

I told you instead of the usual three judges, seven

| Judges will sit on the cases,

You are not missing mich sunshine in Salt Lake City, We

have been having consistent rain for the last week or

ten days with more in prospost, Of course it is rather

tough to get used to the snow and cold when you were

raised in Alameda Canty.

Best wishes,

, Sinsersly,

Ernest Besig,

Eb/egs Director,

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